Outcome Indicators | Measure | Benchmark (Target) | Map to Strategic Plan |
A. Students are satisfied with resources & learning support services |
a) NSSE Grouping – First year & senior experiences with faculty b) NSSE Engagement Benchmark: Campus Environment c) Student Satisfaction Survey |
a & b) NSSE – UT mean will be higher than Rocky Mtn mean (FY & SR). c) 80% of respondents are satisfied with their UT experience |
Goal 1, Strategy 3, 5 |
B. Faculty engage in effective, student-centered teaching using best practices, including active learning techniques |
a) Faculty Teaching Practices & Resources Survey – items related to active learning pedagogical practices b) Number of Faculty serviced by Center for Teaching & Learning c) NSSE indicators, including “Academic Challenge”. d)Active Learning: Faculty & students report on the types, frequency & satisfaction with active learning practices used |
a) Increase in use of technology & pedagogical techniques by 5% in 3 years. b) Faculty use of the Center for Teaching & Learning will increase by 5% annually. c) UT mean will be higher than Rocky Mtn mean (FY & SR). d) 60% of full-time faculty will use predominantly active learning strategies |
Goal 2, Strategy 3 |