Outcome Indicators | Measure | Benchmark (Target) | Map to Strategic Plan |
A. Students succeed in meeting Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ILOs) |
a) Percent of students meeting curricular ILO benchmarks (includes GE) b) Percent of students meeting co-curricular ILO benchmarks c) Percentage of students completing GE Quantitative Literacy (Math) & English requirements in First year |
a) 70% of students will achieve ILOs – AAC&U’s Value rubric benchmarks (4 point scale) b) Under development (FY & SR). c) Baseline needed |
Goal 1 Strategy 2, 3 Goal 2, Strategy 3 |
B. Students succeed in meeting Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) |
a) Percent of programs meeting their PLO benchmarks b) Rubric Assessment of quality PLOs – assessable, meaningful, & verifiable |
a) All degree programs will meet 70% of their PLO benchmarks based on rubric b) All degree program PLOs will achieve “met” quality benchmark |
Goal 2, Strategy 3 |